
PeaceMeals dinners provide a way of understanding and connecting with those outside of our normal social group.

Friendships, networking, and sometimes an opportunity for training and employment are formed.

It is an opportunity to appreciate and be invigorated by the richness and diversity in our community

April PeaceMeals

When: 29 April
Time: 7 pm – 9 pm
Where: Bargoonga Nganjin Community Hall

How it works

PeaceMeals dinners are planned for about 40-60 guests and promoted on Facebook, Instagram and the PeaceMeals website.

Cafes/restaurants/ individuals/businesses/community groups have hosted dinners. If you would like to host a dinner contact us.

The meal is prepared by volunteers, refugees or community groups who usually speak about their cuisine.

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  • The meal is mainly vegetarian with one meat dish and is served on shared platters at communal tables.
  • Guests are greeted by the committee, sign in, are given a name tag and introduced to others.
  • Drinks can be bought at the bar.
  • Guests are encouraged to next to a stranger rather than friends or family.
  • As the evening progresses, seating is changed to enable guests to meet a variety of people.
  • Much of the kitchen work and table waiting is done by the PeaceMeals volunteers and Board members.
  • Guests speakers, stories, information are shared during the meal.
  • Approved businesses, community groups have the opportunity to share information and contact details for the benefit of guests.
  • All payments for dining guests are made voluntarily as a donation.

Book your seat at the table

Indicate you attendance on the Facebook Event page or email us

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