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Join PeaceMeals

How can I get involved in Peace Meals?


You are welcome to join us as PeaceMeals, which depends on the benevolence and goodwill of participants. We are a community of open-minded and compassionate members, working as a team. Our convivial hospitality and friendship are invigorating and rewarding. Friendships are formed, social networks expanded for all – creating more cohesive communities.

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  • We invite you to attend a dinner and converse with others.
  • Invite friends/colleagues who may enjoy or benefit from participating in PeaceMeals.
  • At the conclusion of the evening, we are most grateful if you donate an amount that you believe would cover the cost of food and venue staff.
  • Spread the word – share our social media page and inform your friends.
  • Assist with dinner – food prep and plate up, kitchen hand, table waiting, washing up.
  • Photography.
  • Recommend sponsorship/support from corporate/government businesses you are involved in.
  • Recommend cafés and venues that may be suitable for hosting a PeaceMeals dinner.
  • Recommend guest speakers who you may feel suited to PeaceMeals.
  • Host a dinner at your local venue.

Training and employment

Empowerment comes with meaningful work.

Any form of connection and participation in a workplace is valuable.

Make recommendations for suitable training, internships, work experience, casual work or employment

Contact Us

Please send us your details, interest in volunteering or recommendations.
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